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Third party UI components ​

To use third party library is as easy as create custom inputs (if not easier!). Mostly we only have to use createInput and we are done! 🪄✨

We will go through some example with Element Plus and Radix Vue.

Element Plus ​

As I mentioned above it's easy to use third party UI elements, the only thing we need to do is to wrap it with createInput and your are good to go!

Element plus Datepicker ​

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ElDatePicker } from 'element-plus';
import { FormifyForm, createInput, ComponentProps } from 'vue-formify';

const DatePicker = createInput<ComponentProps<typeof ElDatePicker>>(ElDatePicker);

const send = (data: any) => {
	console.log('[data]: ', data);

		<label class="mb-2">Datepicker</label>
		<FormifyForm @submit="send">
			<DatePicker name="date" value-format="YYYY-MM-DD" />
			<button class="btn btn-outline d-block mt-3">

Element plus Select ​

You will have the question: What about slots? The answer is it handled without any issue! Not only default but named slots are working as well.

Look at this example. The Element Plus select component consists of two parts the ElSelect component and ElOption. To make it work we only need to put the ElSelect to the createInput composable because we only need to transform component which handle the v-model like ElSelect in this case.

So after the transform we can use the ElOption without transforming

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ElSelect, ElOption } from 'element-plus';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { FormifyForm, createInput, ComponentProps } from 'vue-formify';

const Select = createInput<ComponentProps<typeof ElSelect>>(ElSelect);

const options = ref([
		label: 'Foo',
		value: 'foo',
		label: 'Bar',
		value: 'bar',
		label: 'Baz',
		value: 'baz',

const send = (data: any) => {
	console.log('[data]: ', data);
		<label class="mb-2">Select</label>
		<FormifyForm @submit="send">
			<Select name="select">
					v-for="option of options"
					:value="option.value" />
			<button class="btn btn-outline d-block mt-3">

Radix Vue ​

Switch ​

In this example we use Radix Vue. Most of the Radix Vue components use named v-model instead of basic modelValue. In this case we use the modelKey option where we defined the the v-model key.

The Switch component using v-model:checked so we add { modelKey: 'checked' } and we are finished!

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { SwitchRoot, SwitchThumb } from 'radix-vue';
import { FormifyForm, createInput, ComponentProps } from 'vue-formify';

const Switch = createInput<ComponentProps<typeof SwitchRoot>>(SwitchRoot, { modelKey: 'checked', defaultValueKey: 'defaultChecked' });

const send = (data: any) => {
	console.log('[data]: ', data);
		<label class="mb-2">Switch</label>
		<FormifyForm @submit="send">
			<Switch name="switch" class="SwitchRoot" :default-checked="false" :default="false">
				<SwitchThumb class="SwitchThumb"></SwitchThumb>
			<button class="btn btn-outline d-block mt-3">