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createInput composable ​

createInput composable is the core part of this package. This is where the magic happens. To make any custom component work with this package you can simply pass through this function and you will be ready to go with it.

It is easy to use and very powerful.

Usage ​

First we create our custom component which is a simple color picker for simplicity:

<script lang="ts" setup>
const modelValue = defineModel();
	<input type="color" v-model="modelValue" />

Then we pass it to the createInput to do the magic for us. If you use Typescript you can use the ComponentProps helper type to preserve the autocompletion for the custom component.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { FormifyForm, ComponentProps, createInput } from 'vue-formify';
import CustomComponent from './CustomComponent.vue';

const ColorPicker = createInput<ComponentProps<typeof CustomComponent>>(CustomComponent);

const sendForm = (data: any) => {
	<FormifyForm @submit="sendForm">
		<ColorPicker name="color" />

<style src="" lang="scss" scoped />

I recommend to separate these components to an external file so you can create the input once and use it across your code:

// my-inputs.ts
import { ComponentProps, createInput } from 'vue-formify';
import CustomComponent from './CustomComponent.vue';

const ColorPicker = createInput<ComponentProps<typeof CustomComponent>>(CustomComponent);

export {

Api reference ​

Options ​

modelKeysstring, string[]Custom model key/keys
useModelKeyAsStatebooleanSet true if you use custom model key as state so the the form don't use it as a key
defaultanydefault value for the component
defaultValueKeyanyYou need to set this if you use different prop name for default value